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Wrongful Death Attorneys In Hobbs, NM

Our wrongful death attorneys only charge if you obtain a due compensation claim.

Some accidents occur due to a party’s negligence that may lead to the death of one or more persons. When a person dies due to the negligence or carelessness of another person, the heirs of the deceased can file a wrongful death claim against the accused party. Many states in the US have special laws for wrongful death cases, and there are special lawyers for such cases. Unlike other personal injury claims, wrongful death claims in most cases involve a probate action. A wrongful death attorney is the one who helps the heirs of the victim to get compensation against his/her death.

Person liable for wrongful death in Hobbs, NM

Depending on the circumstances of the incident, one or more parties may be responsible for the major legal homicide of a person. Here are the parties usually involved in wrongful death cases.

  • The negligent party
  • Doctor / Medical Practitioner
  • Hospital
  • Ambulance Provider

It is important to investigate all parties involved to identify who may be responsible and the degree of negligence that may have resulted in the victim’s death.

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Claim in Hobbs, New Mexico?

As a rule, the surviving heirs of the deceased can sue negligent persons for wrongful death. The surviving heirs can be one or more persons from the following:

  • Spouse
  • Children
  • Siblings
  • Parents

Wrongful death cases usually involve a spouse seeking compensation for their loved one and minor children. A surviving spouse can also claim compensation for loss of consortium, loss of partnership, and loss of affection due to the death of a loved one. However, there are some cases where children seek compensation for the loss of one or both parents. In other cases, people also seek compensation for the loss of their siblings.

Our Experienced Wrongful Death Lawyers in Hobbs, New Mexico

Our Hobbs wrongful death attorneys have years of experience dealing with accidental death cases, many of which involve the negligence of medical treatment or facility. For example, one of our ongoing wrongful death cases involved a claim arising from the death of a patient who fell off a hospital bed and sustained a head injury.

Also, there is a case in which our Hobbs wrongful death law firm helped the survivors of an accident receive compensation against a child’s death who got injuries as he was thrown through barbed wire fencing.

What the Law Firm Samuel I. Kane can do in Hobbs, NM?

A wrongful death claim is filed on behalf of the heirs or a representative of the deceased in a wrongful death case. This includes prior inheritance verification of legal heirs of the deceased and filing probate lawsuits.

Hobbs Wrongful Death Attorney firm Samuel I. Kane’s background is in family law, which is the primary advantage in such cases that often involve court probate proceedings. We have represented multimillion-dollar probate disputes throughout New Mexico and helped our clients obtain meaningful settlements for the deaths of their loved ones.

Contact our experienced Wrongful Death Lawyer in Hobbs for a free consultation.

Samuel I. Kane PA’s legal offices in Hobbs wrongful death attorneys can help you clarify the legal aspects of your claim, identify the primary beneficiary, file probate action, and related notification and release procedures. In addition, you can sue the accused party and file a personal injury case against negligent parties. Contact our Hobbs Wrongful Death Attorney today for no-obligation advice and assistance.

Frequently asked questions

What are the leading causes of wrongful death in New Mexico?

Wrongful death can occur when negligent action or inaction results in loss of life, including automobile, bicycle, motorcycle, truck, and pedestrian accidents, or even slipping and falling at any place. In addition, there might be some other causes that are determined after filing a wrongful death lawsuit case.

Can I File a Wrongful Death Claim If My Loved One Lived Several Days Before dying due to injuries?

Yes, you can file a wrongful death claim in New Mexico even if your loved one survived the accident. You can claim monetary compensation for expenses incurred during life-saving procedures, including ambulance transportation, surgery, and hospital bills.

How are wrongful death settlements paid to the survivors?

When a wrongful death lawyer from our firm settles a wrongful death claim, the survivors of the incident may be paid as a lump sum or structured settlement claim paid monthly until the whole amount is paid.

Is Wrongful Death Damage Claim Taxable?

No, the wrongful death damage claims are usually non-taxable in New Mexico.

How can I find a wrongful death lawyer near me in New Mexico?

Whether you are located in or around Hobbs or any other location in New Mexico, you can search online for a wrongful death lawyer near me or a wrongful death attorney near me to find an attorney for your case.

Do I have to pay a fee to discuss the loss of my loved one with a personal injury attorney?

At our Samuel I. Kane, P.C. law office, our wrongful death lawyers will discuss your case with you in a personal and confidential consultation. If we accept your case, we don’t charge any until your case is completely resolved and a financial settlement is secured on your behalf.