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Like many things in life, just because you can handle an injury claim yourself doesn’t mean you should. While there is no rule stating that you must have a lawyer, there are several good reasons why it’s wise to consider hiring one. In a personal injury case, your physical and financial well-being are at stake. […]

When most people think about hiring a lawyer, the image that often comes to mind involves a courtroom, a judge, and a dramatic lawsuit. This common perception suggests that getting a lawyer means you are gearing up to sue someone. However, this view is incomplete. Lawyers do much more than sue; they often negotiate on […]

Cycling is more than a hobby; it’s a passion, and even a lifestyle for many. However, cyclists face unique risks on the road, often encountering reckless or uninsured drivers. Little known fact: UM (Uninsured Motorist) and UIM (Underinsured Motorist) insurance can protect cyclists, providing crucial coverage even when they’re not in their car. As a […]

Country roads evoke a sense of tranquility and escape from the urban rush. However, this serene setting can be misleading. Rural roads present unique dangers that are often underestimated. In Illinois, where weather and maintenance add further complications, the risks increase significantly. There are arguably more dangers on a rural road than those found in […]

Choosing the right auto insurance policy is trickier than it might seem at first. While we all love a good deal, how cheap is too cheap for auto insurance? Even if you go with a more expensive option, how can you be sure you’re covered for all possible scenarios? In the intentionally obscure insurance industry […]

At some point after a personal injury claim, an insurance adjuster will likely contact the victim with questions about the incident. They may request a recorded statement.  While it is important for an injured person to tell their side of the story when seeking compensation, they need to be cautious about what they say, how […]